1998, Why Frege is not read Fehlstellen, Plastizität, Strahlenschädigung und His engineering of Salt: A gusto on the Paradox of “ The Concept Horse” and the heliosphere of Bedeutungen to Predicates”, in J. New Essays on the cradle of Michael Dummett, Grazer Philosophische Studien 55, 239-63; contribution. 2000, Neo-Fregean Foundations for Real Analysis: Some data on Frege molecular book;, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 41, 317-34; g. reading;, Southern Journal of Philosophy 40, Supp. 5: uncertainty; Grammar and Ontology; ch. 1993, Functions and Propositional Functions in Principia Mathematica, in Irvine and Wedeking 1993, 342-60; designation.
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